Program Services


  • Services up to 6.5 hours per day (8:30-3:00), Monday through Friday.
  • Year-round programming with one week off in July and a break in December that generally ranges from 10 to 14 days, depending on the days on which Christmas and New Year’s fall. Most major holidays are also observed. Extended School Year Services (those days beyond the sending SAU’s school calendar) are provided according to individual determinations made by each student’s IEP team.
  • High staff to student ratio, as specified in the IEP, including 1:1 staffing with an Educational Technician, across all activities of the school day.
  • Individualized programming for academic, social, behavioral, communication, adaptive behavior, recreational, functional daily living skills, and community-based activities.
  • Small group academic, social, adaptive, functional, communication and community based skills instruction, as appropriate.
  • Instruction that is delivered by highly trained and supervised staff. Staff members receive training in Autism Spectrum Disorders; Developmental Disabilities; Emotional/Behavioral Disorders; Applied Behavior Analysis; Confidentiality; First Aid; CPR; State Approved Program for Non-Physical and Safe Physical Intervention for Escalated Behaviors (currently Safety Care); Special Education Law; and many other areas. They demonstrate competency in
    • systematic observation;
    • data collection and analysis;
    • evidence-based interventions, instructional strategies and curricula (e.g. Discreet Trials, Natural Environment Teaching, Incidental Teaching, Functional Communication Instruction, etc.);
    • prompting and prompt fading strategies;
    • visual support strategies;
    • schedules of reinforcement
  • Post-Secondary transition services that generally start at entry to high school. These are highly individualized services and may include: individualized instruction in social skills, communication skills, community participation skills, interest and aptitude assessments, portfolio development, school-based functional jobs, community-based volunteering opportunities, coordination with community case manager for referral to vocational rehabilitation or appropriate agency, systematic transition to identified agency/day program/job site, staff training at agency/site in the child’s plan, as well as coordination of documentation necessary to facilitate a successful transition.
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